• English
  • Spanish

School calculator

Lecture and Outreach phase differ in cost. And they are defendant on your country of origin.

Lecture Phase (12 weeks)

  • 3 meals a day
  • Lodging / Accommodations
  • Lessons
  • Transportation from the terminal / airport to the base.
Outreach Phase (10 weeks)
Estimated outreach cost will be between $1000 - $1500.
Depending on the outreach location.
(This is not taken into account in the Pricing below).

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¿Where does this come from?

Categories are subject to change, this calculations were created and provided by University of the Nations International Leadership Team, Kona Campus has adopted these recommendations.
Date: February 20, 2017.

Source: University of the Nations https://uofn.edu/nation-category-list