Discover the unified history of the Bible in 3 months and fall in love with the Author of the Bible

Place: YWAM Asunción Base

Address: Hassler 4002 and Mc. Arthur, Asunción – Paraguay

Start: September 12, 2024

Ends: December 6, 2024


Discipleship Bible School (DBS)

Everything you need
to know

This course combines dynamic teaching, small group processing, personal study, one on one-s and practical application in order to help students develop a modest vocabulary and basic familiarity with the Scriptures.

Throughout the course students will grow in their understanding of the nature and character of God, how to live in and contribute to community, the importance of covenants, communicate God’s redemptive plan, use the Word in a ministry context, and discover the big picture of Bible. A disciplined learning environment helps prepare the student for a lifetime of Bible study.

Through the facilitation of small groups and the creation of community the DBS emphasizes on personal discipleship and godly character.

Featured Speakers

Jo van Bakel

Jo van Bakel presently resides in Kailua-Kona, USA and is the director of the Bible Department at the University of the Nations, the training branch of Youth with a Mission (YWAM). Jo was a missionary in Hong Kong and Taiwan for 20 years and now works in the capacity of a teacher in Kona to train up new missionaries. Jo also frequently travels overseas to teach in other schools of Youth with a Mission teaching the bible and creating new programs to know god through His word.

Ulises Ekmeiro y Ana María Castro

Ulises is a YWAM staff based in Cartagena, Colombia. He is from Venezuela and is part of the DBS team core and together with his wife, they run the Discipleship Bible School (DBS) in Cartagena and help pioneer new Bible schools in Latin America.

Gloria Acuña

She is a daughter of God. She was born in Paraguay. By profession she is a Media Producer. In 2018 she did her DTS and right after, she did SBS in 2019 at the base in Kansas City, United States. In that season, she fell in love with the word and she saw the need to provide tools for reading the word in her country of origin. Currently, she serves at the YWAM Asunción base and took on the challenge of teaching the inductive method in workshops and the schools that the base offers. Her heart beats for the church and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in Paraguay.

frequently asked questions

It’s a YWAM secondary school, so whoever has done a DTS can do the school.
One of the first things we learn in the DTS is the YWAM motto upon which the mission is founded: “To know God and to make Him known.” Yet one cannot possibly claim to know God if he/she does not even know His Word. So in the DBS we make the Bible the student’s companion for life! And it will be with Spirit and Truth! The student will discover the unified story of the Bible, be discipled by the Bible and will fall in love with the Author of the Bible. In this 12-week introduction to the Bible, the student will be given an overview of “God’s story” and will discover the purposes of God in it. The student will read the entire Bible, observe the chronology of biblical events, better understand each book in its historical context, understand the harmony between the books, be able to recognize the different genres of literature, and major themes found in these 66 books. The student will learn the foundational truths of Christianity by going directly to the source.
Some of the school’s outcomes will be: 1. Students have read, together in their small groups, the whole Bible chronologically and discussed many topics throughout 2. Students have learned how to lead a small bible study group using the inductive approach 3. Students have traced through the Scriptures and made a creative timeline of God’s Story from Genesis to Revelation with (a) main biblical events; revelations about God’s character & nature; God’s Redemptive Plan. 4. Students at the end of the school have presented to an audience of their choosing a 30-minute presentation the story of the Bible, ‘God’s Story’ using the above mentioned timeline with some of its information on the biblical events, God’s character & nature and redemptive plan.
The school takes place during the 3 months at the base of YWAM Asunción. To comply with all the activities, the student must live on the base where they will receive lodging, meals, study place in air-conditioned environments, internet, leisure activities, among other elements that they will need in the process.

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YWAM Asunción
Hassler 4002, Asunción, Paraguay
+595 (986) 103-753

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