DBS Enrollment Form

Please do know that the DTS is only for +18 years old 🙂

However, if you are turning 18 by the time you reach the DTS start date then you are fine.

Passport information

In case you don't have a passport, select the No option. Then place your country of residence in the area of Passport Issued country. And on the section of Expiry date select a date after December 2020.

General Reference

Leadership Reference

Important: Please do take into account that your leadership reference will be contacted through any of the mediums you've provided and the reference cannot be a family member.

Privacy and security concerns

We value your information. We do not commercialize nor share anything you’ve shared with us in confidentiality. Please do not type any personal passwords or keys and check that your browser is on an SSL Secure and encrypted connection with our website. If you see that the domain is something other than “ywamasuncion.com/*,” please do not submit it.

Check out our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service pages.

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